Monday, December 19, 2005

Listening to Mayday's song "GONG NAN"

"Gong nan" meaning stupid person....well more or less of what I interpreted to be.

Hah listening to this song really removes all my locks and chains around me.
Feel that for a moment I can really be someone simple and start doing what I like.
Hmmm that doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything I like now, it's just that I made a lot of analysis before doing something. You know... it have to be logical somehow.

Having an IQ of 143 does not really impresses anyone and myself. Personally, I think IQ depicts one's logical thinking (maths too) and recognisation of patterns. Usually it happens when you tell a friend "Hey, look! I'm not stupid! I've an IQ of 143!" and the reply comes as "yea~BUT EQ counts more now!"
Alright, so more people claiming that they have better EQ when their IQ scores are low.
Anyone have any qualified EQ online tests? I'd like to have one.

And What's with the word SNAG!? When one of my friend claimed that I'm a SNAG, I asked "What is it?"
"If you like it being a SNAG, then just be happy." replied.
Well, I know what it is in words Sensitive New Age Guy... BUT WHAT THE HELL does it depicts? WHY nobody answers to the question.

Anyway, Lovers in Paris is really nice.



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