Friday, August 27, 2004

White complexion...

"WOW! Why are u so 'white'?" exclaimed my sis and aunt.

"ehhh...... is it?" ~_~

"What facial foam u used? Did u put on some face complexion color (white)?" asked my friends.

"well..... no." ~_~ <----- me

Geez, to answer to all queries why I have white complexion skin, i decided to tell it here, so that whoever seeks an answer to this might read it here.

It's actually a long story;
True I did use facial foam to wash my face, well before "man" type of foam was introduced, I was using or should I say, I was trying out all sorts of commercial type of facial foams.
You name it, I can tell u good or bad; loreal, seabed, gardnier, oxy, shokubutsu, follow me, Za, ginvera etc.....

Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really in to make my face smooth, white, or whatever, instead it started off that I just wanted to find a type of facial foam that suits my skin, I didn't really know anything about oily, dry or combi skin stuff, especially during my secondary school days, there's so much pimples popping up from my whole face literally.
So, might as well say I was looking for a "cure".

But all this never did help to curb my problem, fortunately, the pimples began to fade after my sec4 year. Thus from then on, I pay more attention on taking care of my face.

It was when I began National Service, that my condition worsened again. It was inevitable since during training, perspiration, dirt etc gets on you, skin condition is usually hard to maintain. During my Army days, I became tanned, or darker than what I was. But as soon as I'm 3 months after ORD, my skin complexion turns back to white again.

Well, I'm happy of my current "face" condition. And guess what, there's a tale behind why I have white skin complexion as "base color".

I was told that when my mum was carrying my elder sister, she drank COFFEE as usual; the result when my sis was borned, she looked kind of.... dark.

Thus, my mum was afraid of coffee when she was carrying me in her womb. She drank SOYA BEAN MILK, and yes, that made what I am today!

And when my mum was carrying my little brother, she drank TEA, well you will have to take a look at my brother for the answer.

Cheers! ^_~


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